Each person’s experience is unique. People may experience some, all, or none of the signs indicating death is near.
One to Three Months Before Death
- May withdraw from usual activities, friends, and family members.
- Spends more time sleeping
- A gradual decrease in food and fluid intake
One to Two Weeks Before Death
- Sleeping most of the time but can be awakened
- Changes in body temperature and skin color
- Changes in vital signs
- Changes in breathing
- Continued decrease in food and fluids
- Confusion, disorientation, and vivid dreams
One to Two Days Before Death
- Sleeping most of the time, difficult or impossible to wake
- Difficulty or inability to swallow
- Fluctuating body temperature
- Mottling—blotchiness of skin
- Continued changes in vital signs
- May or may not have pain and trouble breathing
- Changes in breathing, including apnea
- Congestion or respiratory secretions
- Restlessness, agitation, and muscle twitching
- Open eyes
- A surge of energy or alertness
Minutes & Hours Before Death
- Impossible to wake
- Gasping breaths with periods of apnea
- Circulation slows
- Falling body temperatures
- Watery, glassy eyes