Restore and Beautify Cemeteries

Honorable Legacy is committed to the safeguarding of burial sites not only as historic sites but also as treasures that hold the memories and Legacies of Humanity’s bloodlines.

Through Honorable Legacy’s Restoration and Beautification taskforce, We Clean, Restore, and Beautify cemeteries to  protect from weathering and deterioration.

The taskforce delivers Honorable Legacy’s Signature Bouquet of flowers to the unvisited and Honor’s Veterans with Flags.

Discuss Death and Death Preparedness

Death and Death Care is not a Religious affair but a Human Affair

Having open conversations on your wishes at death and learning death-care options allows you to Honor the Dead and Be Honored at Death. Honorable Legacy believes that you have a right to learn of death and the resources available in the event of or in preparation of death.

When Death occurs, you are  flooded with emotions and this may lead to hasty, uninformed decisions that are irreversible.

Today, as an individual or family, you can develop your own death values and rituals based on your beliefs, lifestyle and available information. You can take a stand on how you want to be treated at death and how you will treat others and their Bereaved.

We have developed the Honor Rites® to assist you in Honoring a life. It allows you to select the disposition and guides you in having a Honor Ceremony that is not Religious but Humanistic.

Your life has a value and your Death should reflect that value. We can Help, We Care.

Afraid of dying Alone, Undiscovered,  not Honored? Register to have your final wishes Honored.




















Give Way & Make an Honorable Gesture

Honor for the Dead is central to our Humanity.

When you come across a , funeral, “Guest Of Honor” procession remember to Give way and show support to the family.  By doing this, we facilitate the Grief work and condole with the Bereaved. We are saying I see you, I Hear you and I feel with you

This small yet meaningful gesture, lets the family and Friends know that you Acknowledge their loss.