Honor The Dead

Honorable Legacy is a movement that stretches as far as Mortality.

Together We can bring back Honor to death. This begins by Honoring the dead: Acknowledging mortality, showing empathy, paying tribute and using your Gifts to Honor

“Around the world, we use our ID’s, finger prints, to prove who we are, being present is important and so is the loss of that physical presence-Take a moment to Honor”.

Honorable Legacy Acknowledges® 






















Activate Your Living Legacy

Legacy is not only financial wealth but also values, Stories and Talents.

Through the Honor Forward®, program, you can plan to pass your values, talents and Financial Resources to impact the living for generations to come.

As the bereaved, you can also activate the Living Legacy of your Beloved through Honorable Legacy by supporting the causes important to you and your Honoree.

Honor Forward®


Support The Bereaved

Did you know that many people skip memorials and funerals for lack of clothes and  transportation?

You can now support the bereaved through Honorable Legacy Shares® program. Make a pledge to provide clothing, transportation and vigil items for a family overcome by grief.

Next time you encounter the bereaved, take time to listen to their thoughts-they may just need someone to listen, hug or offer them a cup of tea.

Many people report feeling like outcasts when they returned to work or school after a death. Don’t be afraid, just take a moment to think of what to say to someone in grief and let them know you are there for them.

Donate your vacation time, offer Emotional and Financial Support.

“I see you, I Hear you, I Feel you..”-Founder

Honorable Legacy Shares®














Empower Your Next Living Phase

“Unresolved Grief is like carrying a unsecured weapon”-S. J

Loss can be a period of growth. Through the Honorable Legacy Empowers® program, we invite you to make a pledge to heal and discover the Next Living Phase of your life.

Honorable Legacy is committed to providing Grief and Legal resources. Our Honorable Legacy Cares®  Grief and Legal partners are compassionate and competent in walking you through your healing.

The Best gift you can give to the Bereaved is a chance to revisit the past and behold the future. Donate Grief and Legal Services.

The Best Gift you can give to yourself is to dedicate time to learning about death options and services so that you can assist the bereaved and make informed decisions when bereaved

Honorable Legacy Empowers®

Honorable Legacy Cares®